Poradna Pračky

Autor: | Vloženo: 04.07.2016 000 12:49 | Témata: Poradna Pračky

Prací program se přerušuje a bliká čas

AWE89612 Whirlpool:
#button pause/restart = the LED permanently does not light
#example of blinking times when program interrupted: 2:16 (heating? cca 15 minutes after start?), 2:15, 2:12, 2:09, 1:56, 1:06, 0:59, 0:49... Obviously the button pause/restart can continue washing by several push
#some cases of interrupted programs with remaining water in the machine, we use the program to empty the machine and then try to strat new washing
#case of some program started, cca 1:09 recalculation to 0:48, then run almost all steps, however it was washing with water low low temperature
#some program interrupts, times are blinking, and several push the button pause/restart can continue
#some program looks like recalculation of remaining time and possibly skips the heating period, may be just low low temperature on the wall of machine
#a case of program it had stopped, time display shows ---, water with higher temperature, buttons (include reset) do not respond, and we must remove the power cable and switch it back. Then display shows unexplained values during program selection wheel
#another program was selected , looks like run however heating period looks like short or no heat. display shows End

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